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Intersectional Racial Justice
We can't talk about racial justice in a vacuum. This page provides some basic grounding in the concept of "intersectionality".
You will also find resources that provide valuable connections between racial justice, Black Lives Matter, trans lives, LGBTQIA rights, feminism, womanism, ability, environmental justice, food justice, faith, indigenous and Native rights, immigration justice, and more. It can be a little daunting. And if you're new to intersectionality, it may be hard to see all the connections. It might even start to look like we're talking about everything but the kitchen sink. But the end-goal is to help strengthen our understanding of racial justice by identifying its links to other identities and struggles. You can also check out our "Interracial & International Solidarty" page.

What is Intersectionality?
INTERSECTIONALITY can sound like a mouthful. But at its most basic, intersectionality recognizes and describes the way that different parts of our identities "intersect" and "overlap" to create who we fully are and how we move through and experience the world. In the context of social justice, intersectionality focuses on our social identities like race, class, gender, sexuality, religion, ability, citizenship, nationality, and age, etc.
For racial justice activism and social movements understanding this complex system of overlapping identities also allows us to recognize how oppression and/or privileges work together and are deeply linked. It's not a perfect science or formula and it is not meant to show others just "how oppressed" or "how privileged" an individual or group may be. Instead, it is meant to be deeply inclusive, making room for and recognizing the complexity of who we are so we can see how incredibly connected our liberation and struggles are no matter what our background. Intersectionality also allows us to work from a place of empowerment and solidarity instead of guilt, fear, or divisiveness.
Understanding and activating intersectionality requires critical thinking and it is hard work. It is not a label, a meme, or a qualifier as Latoya Peterson discusses in her insightful article. It is NOT a "politically correct" checklist of identities and systems of oppression to make sure we have all our bases covered. So read on, explore on, and lets challenge ourselves to make intersectionality a verb and a call to action.
Review The Black Lives Matter Guiding Principles, affirming the radically inclusive and intersectional nature of the movement for ALL black lives
Check out this great 'Intersectionality Fun Guide' by Miriam Dobson in the slideshow below:
Housing, Environmental & Food Justice
Environmental Racism in America (
Why Highways Have Become the Center of Civil Rights Protest (Washington Post)
BLM & Environmental Justice (Center for Environmental Health)
[Thesis] Environmental Racism & The Movement for Black Lives
History of Redlining: Part I (Stuff You Missed in History Class)
Spatial Justice: Rasquachification, Race & The City by Robert Bedoya
Placemaking and the Politics of Belonging and Dis-Belonging by Robert Bedoya
The Racist Housing Policy That Made Your Neighborhood (The Atlantic)
Radical Farmers Use Fresh Food to Fight Injustice (Yes Magazine)
Leaders of Color Discuss Structural Racism & The Food System (Civil Eats)
Black Immigrant Lives Matter (
The Immigration Challenge No one is Talking About (TIME)
Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI)
Native & Indigenous Rights
Gender, Feminism & Womanism

Class, Economic Justice & Labor Rights
Noam Chomsky on BLM (Democracy Now!)
Labor Movement & Racial Justice Struggles
The Average Black Family Would Need 228 Years To Build the Wealth of a White Family Today (The Nation)
Black, Female & Broke (Forbes Magazine)
In Search of Our Mother's Gardens by Alice Walker
What Happened to Sandra Bland? (The Nation)
Why Racial Justice Work Needs to Address Settler Colonialism & Native Rights (Everyday Feminism)
NLM: A Solution to Police Violence in Indian Country

LGBTQIA Resource Center Glossary- UC Davis
The Loud Silence When Trans Women of Color Are Killed (Black Lives Matter)
Miss Major is a Trans Elder & Stonewall Icon (The Huffington Post)
Why You Can't Be Pro-Black & Homophobic At the Same Time (Mother Jones)
The following sections are under construction & further development.
Please check back for updated information!

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