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Resources for Youth & Children
Our youth and children are the seeds of a brighter and more just future. Below are several online resources to help you talk to youth about issues of social justice, U.S. racial history, and the current activism around Black Lives Matter.

Teaching about Race, Racism & Police Violence
A fantastic resource by the award winning "Teaching Tolerance", a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The resource is a toolkit for educators to promote discussions in the classroom, including professional development for educators, webinars, film and media kits, and classroom curriculum resources.
Teaching Black Lives Matter
A resource from the San Francisco Public Schools (SFUSD). This guide was created in 2014 "to offer teachers resources to teach the BLM movement and the context in which that movement exists. It is by no means prescriptive or exhaustive. It is meant to function as a menu of options and updated when possible."

Zinn Education Project Teaching Materials
This online resource for "Teaching A People's History" provides teaching materials based on period, theme, reading level, and/or resource type. Excellent for exploring U.S. racial justice history.
Black Lives Matter: From Hashtag to Movement
A high school lesson plan from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) . "This high school lesson provides an opportunity for students to learn more about Black Lives Matter and the activists involved, explore the controversy about using the term “All lives matter,” and posit their point of view in writing to a person of their choice."

60+ Resources To Talk to Kids About Racism (Creative with Kids)
For Parents & Guardians
Raising Race Conscious Children Blog
According to their website, "the primary purpose of Raising Race Conscious Children is to support parents and teachers who are trying to talk about race and diversity with young children. The goal of these conversations is to prepare young people to work toward racial justice. Each post models conversations that are transparent, concrete, and non-judgmental. Many of these conversations are geared specifically toward White people but the strategies discussed may be helpful for all. Additional issues will be addressed that often intersect with race including class, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, etc."
Talking to White Kids About Black Lives Matter
The Conversation We Must Have with Our White Children
Having 'The Talk': Parents of Color Reflect on Discussing Race & Policing with Kids (KPCC Radio)
Talking to Kids About Racial Violence (The New York Times Blog)
Teach Your Kids About Black Lives Matter Now (Muslim Matters. org)
Raising Free-Spirited Black Children in A World Set on Punishing Them (The Washington Post)
What I Will Teach My Biracial Child About Black Lives Matter
Your Fear Is Killing My Family
For more resources for multiracial or adoptee youth & families visit the "For Multiracial People" section

Daddy, There's A Noise Outside
by Kenneth Braswell
This engaging story begins when two children are awakened by noises in the middle of the night outside the window of their inner-city neighborhood. Both their Dad and Mom spend the next morning explaining to them what was taking place in their community.

A Is For Activist by Innosanto Nagara
A is for Activist is an ABC board book written and illustrated for the next generation of progressives: families who want their kids to grow up in a space that is unapologetic about activism, environmental justice, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, and everything else that activists believe in and fight for.
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